2025 Simon Bucking Stock Sale
Join us for the oldest and most successful sale in the nation!
Canadian County Expo Center - El Reno, Oklahoma
3001 Jensen Rd E * El Reno, OK 73036
To learn more about this long-standing & highly successful sale, check out the links below!
You can also reach out by phone
Joe & Sharon Simon (612) 839-9568
Email: dakotawest@aol.com
You are currently viewing DAY TWO - SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH
Horse Auctions USA is so incredibly excited to be a part of this world famous event by bringing you an immersive ONLINE BIDDING EXPERIENCE!
Because this sale spans two days, each day is set up for online bidding purposes as a separate event on our platform. You only need to complete online bidder registration on one of the days. We have linked the days so that your registration will carry over to both!
Simply click "Register To Bid" under any lot on either day, then follow the prompts. Registration is a quick process and approval is automatic once you complete the requested information (this should take no more than 5 minutes!) That means no waiting for manual approval from the office AND the ability to register and start bidding even if we are in the middle of the live sale!
Below you will find some online bidding basics and an overview of how things work. Should you have any online bidding specific questions, please reach out to Bridget Lavigne at (336) 904-8903 by call or text!
Here on this online bidding platform, you can watch and bid live just as if you were with us in person! You will have listings available to you ahead of time. Animals will be added throughout the weeks leading up to the sale and Hip Numbers/Selling Order will finalize once consignments close. Check back often! At sale time, you'll have REAL TIME video & audio and bid buttons available to you and you can join us from anywhere in the world with a reliable internet or cellular connection!
Before the sale, early absentee bidding becomes available to you! This works much like ebay for those of you familiar with that. You can place your maximum bid ahead of time and the computer will then act as your agent at sale time, bidding on your behalf by minimum increments to keep you in the lead. This option is useful for those of you with poor internet/cell service at home, those who are unable to watch live for any reason, and also for you folks who find the fast pace of a live auction to be intimidating. PLEASE NOTE that if you place an early absentee bid and that animal comes into the ring with an announcement that changes the information that was available to you when you placed your bid, we will NOT honor your pre-bid for your protection. We want you to bid with the most accurate information available!
For those of you who prefer to watch and bid live, you’ll have real time audio/video available to you at sale time! Make sure you have registered to bid, are logged in, and then hit the “View Live” button on the live feed! You’ll be good to go and can participate just as if you were here in person!
For those of you using a mobile device, we do recommend downloading the Horse Auctions USA app for the best bidding experience! It is available FREE to download from the Google Play and App Stores! If you prefer to use your browser, we do recommend using Google Chrome
You will need to register with a credit/debit card in order to bid online. Please note that a pre-authorization for $500 will be placed on your registered card. This is NOT a charge, just an authorization to verify you are indeed a real person with a real card and is a good faith hold to allow you to bid. It will show up in your mobile banking as a "pending" charge but it will never complete. This authorization will fall off once the sale is complete and any purchases you have made are paid for. Winning bidders will make final payment for all purchases directly to the Simon Bucking Stock Sales Office.
Read the Auction Terms & Conditions when you register! You are bound by them whether you actually read them or not so take a moment to get familiar with them!
Winning bidders should contact the Office at (612) 839-9568 to confirm preferred payment method and pickup arrangements!
Animals need to be picked up by NOON on SUNDAY! If that timeframe won't work, please reach out to Joe Simon at (952) 836-8811 or Sharon Simon at (612) 839-9568
If you need any assistance with online bidding or have any questions pertaining to it, please call/text Bridget at (336) 904-8903. Please be sure to do so BEFORE we start the live sale. Once we start, Bridget is pretty occupied with running the computer and unable to answer calls! Register BEFORE the sale so we can assist you with anything you might need!
Good Luck & Happy Bidding!
Please remember that you are bound by the auction terms & conditions whether you actually read them or not! PLEASE, TAKE THE TIME TO READ THEM!
1.The Simon Bucking Stock Sale management acts only as an agent. ALL RESPONSIBILITY
2.The highest bidder will be the buyer, and if dispute arises between two or more bidders, the
horse or bull in dispute shall immediately be put up again for advance bids. If there be no
advance bids, the horse or bull shall go to the person from whom the auctioneer recognized
the last bid. The auctioneer will decline any bid made by parties who have defaulted in former
purchases, or by persons who, in his judgment, are not responsible bidders.
3.Terms of sale are cash, card, or check if accompanied by a current bank letter of credit. Payment in full is to be made to the cashier immediately after the sale.
4. Upon receiving payment for a horse or bull, the cashier will issue an order to obtain delivery.
Buyers are cautioned not to lose these orders. Buyers assume all expenses and risks on
horses or bulls after they have left the auction ring. Buyers must make arrangements with
the sale company for care of stock until it can be removed.
5.Upon failure of compliance with any of the above conditions, the lot shall be resold by public
or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such resale shall be made good by the
defaulter immediately.
6.If any person shall purchase a lot and not pay for it as prescribed above, nothing shall prevent
the auctioneer or the owner from compelling the purchaser to pay for it if the auctioneer or
seller shall deem fit.
7.Every effort has been made to assure correctness of the catalog but the sales management
and auctioneer are not responsible for errors or omissions, and assume no liability on its
part or on the part of the seller as to any statements, either verbal or written, regarding
horse or bulls sold.
8.All known defects will be announced before each animal is started. Every horse or bull will be
sold under this rule. Therefore, no horse or bull can be rejected by buyer when struck off by
auctioneer. The seller guarantees all mares were bred to stallions and all cows were bred to
bulls as specified in the catalog. We believe them to be bred, but are selling them as they
are and without return privileges, unless otherwise specified.
9.Immediately after the horse or bull is sold, it will be the sole risk and responsibility of the
buyer thereof, but possession of the horse or bull cannot be obtained by him until payment
in full has been made. Simon Bucking Stock sale is not responsible for any injuries or death
to any animal bought or sold.
10.Consignors are reminded to bring any and all necessary health and test papers required to
transport livestock in the U.S. to be turned into the office when the animal is unloaded.
11.Buyers and Spectators are cautioned to be careful while on the grounds. The management
cannot be responsible for any accidents.
12. Online Bidders must register with a valid credit or debit card. At the time of registration, Horse Auctions USA will place a $500 preauthorization on that card. This is NOT a charge, just a preauthorization hold. This will fall off at the completion of the sale and once final payment has been made to the sale cashier. Be advised that mobile banking will generally show this authorization as a "Pending" charge. Please note that while the preauthorizaion will be released immediately by Horse Auctions USA at the completion of the sale, when your bank reflects this is subject to your financial institution's policies. Horse Auctions USA has no control over this.
13. All winning online bids will be charged a 4% online buyer's premium
14. Final payment for winning bids will be made directly to the sale cashier, not through Horse Auctions USA. Online bidders understand and agree that failure for any reason to make final payment to the sale cashier will result in the full amount due being charged to the registered card on file immediately.
15. Online bidding is the same as bidding in person. If you are the winning bidder, you have bought the animal. Please bid responsibly. "I didn't mean to bid" "My kid bid" "I changed my mind" etc are statements that will NOT absolve you of this! You must actively click twice to place your bid and this is not done accidentally. If you are bidding live online rather than by absentee/pre-bids, MAKE SURE you are watching and bidding with strong internet/cell service so you aren't battling a lag in the feed on your end. Horse Auctions USA will do our best to make sure there are no tech issues but we are not responsible for technical failures beyond our reasonable control.